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Heya loosers, welcome to my little corner of the internet! Just so you know, this site serves no real purpose other than to act as a glorified link tree and to be a testing-ground for my terrible front end development skills! I have no clue where this project will end up, but for now its a whatever goes typa' thing.

If you know me IRL... no you don't.

Note: This website utilizes heavy javascript (that is also terribly developed), so please disable your adblocker to prevent random bits of the website breaking. All "ads" that you will see are intentional, free, and purely for aesthetics.

Also, most data provided on this page are from external API's. if the website appears to be broken, don't balme me, either the API is down or you are rate limited. Some of these API's include: Github, Discord (via lanyard)

Finally, this website was intended to be viewed from a desktop computer with a horizontal display, if you are on mobile... goodluck.